Jenna Flogeras
Jenna obtained her M.Sc. in inorganic chemistry from the University of New Brunswick, Canada, and eventually hung up her lab coat to pursue a career in editing and writing. She’s also passionate about travel, sharing her backpacking adventures around the world as a blogger and podcaster.
Polymer Research at Sichuan University

Polymer Research at Sichuan University

A Macromolecular Rapid Communications special issue, Polymer Materials and Engineering Research at Sichuan University, highlights recent research developments in novel polymer processing technologies; polymer nanocomposites; multicomponent polymer systems and solution thermodynamics; macro­molecular synthetic methodology; and functional polymers for energy, sustainability, the environment, and biomedical applications.

An artificial exoskeleton for living cells

An artificial exoskeleton for living cells

K. Liang and co-workers demonstrate a zeolitic imidazolate framework-8 (ZIF-8) for preserving the cell life of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (baker’s yeast) and Micrococcus luteus in the presence of cytotoxic and antifungal agents.