Three young polymer scientists are awarded the Journal of Polymer Science Poster Prize for DPOLY at the 2015 APS March meeting.

Three young polymer scientists are awarded the Journal of Polymer Science Poster Prize for DPOLY at the 2015 APS March meeting.
The impact factor for the Journal of Polymer Science: Polymer Physics increased 71% to 3.803, according to a Thomson Reuters update.
At the 2014 ACS Fall meeting in San Francisco, Brent Sumerlin receives the Journal of Polymer Science Innovation Award and a symposium in his honor
Polymer scientists at the 2013 MRS Fall meeting in Boston brought another year of materials science research to a close with a bang.
Free access to the latest special issue of the Journal of Polymer Science: Polymer Physics, on polymer optics.
Submit your nominations now for the 2014 Journal of Polymer Science innovation award.
Researchers at Aalto University examine the versatility of surface patterns in azopolymers for applications in photonics.
American scientists have harnessed the Hawaiian bobtail squid’s ability to modulate color.
Researchers have found that the wavelength of polymer wrinkles relates to their mechanical properties, a discovery with applications for material synthesis.
New material could be perfect for tactile sensors for robot hands