A zwitterionic polynorbornen-modified surface facilitates growth and proliferation of model endothelial cells.

A zwitterionic polynorbornen-modified surface facilitates growth and proliferation of model endothelial cells.
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Researchers have developed a microfludic platform for high-throughput preparation of multicomponent photopolymerized nanocomposite films.
This year, already a lot of excellent young scientists have received Macro Awards for their outstanding research in different fields of polymer science.
Macromolecular Journals – For a limited time you can now take a look at these selected Review Articles for free!
Developing high-performance composite materials made with natural fibers and bio-polymers provide a new route to cost-effective, environmentally friendly composite plastics for industry.
Melbourne reseachers develop method to fabricate chiral stationary phases with nanoengineered features.
Nadia Cheng and colleagues present a novel thermally tunable composite that can achieve significant ranges of stiffness, strength, and volume.
Research team paves way to scale up manufacturing of large objects using a fully compostable bioplastic made from shrimp shells.
The novel paradigm of flexible thermal protection systems based on elastomeric ablative materials is presented.