WIREs Authors
The award-winning Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews series combines some of the most powerful features of encyclopedic reference works and review journals in an innovative online format.

Mitigation and Adaptation in Polycentric Systems

The potential of polycentric governance for promoting both climate mitigation and adaptation is well established. Yet, dominant conceptualizations of polycentric governance pay scant attention to how power dynamics affect the structure and the outcomes of governance.

The Role of Arts in Climate Change Discourse

The Role of Arts in Climate Change Discourse

The arts—especially art using a combination of sounds and visuals—can inspire different ways of thinking about and engaging with the world. At a time when global climate change’s effects are accelerating, climate change communicators would be wise to consider the arts to frame and articulate these complex challenges.

Climate-Relevant Behavioural Spillover

Climate-Relevant Behavioural Spillover

Collective behavioural change toward less environmentally-impactful lifestyles, particularly in industrialised nations, remains a substantial and obdurate barrier to mitigating the impacts of serious environmental problems, particularly global climate change.