A new hypothesis explores how potassium came to be the dominant biological cation.

A new hypothesis explores how potassium came to be the dominant biological cation.
Freeness of scientific literature is undeniably a highly desirable concept, but it is accompanied by a responsibility that we have not yet structurally realized.
What were the driving factors behind organelle evolution?
Understanding the nature and origin of the non-coding genome.
Strength of logic doesn’t substitute for strength in numbers, and an emotional message!
Minute fossils from the depths: Deep life on Earth thrives, is fossilized, and may help us identify life elsewhere.
Together with many eukaryotes in which relatively large percentages of lateral gene transfer had been claimed, Tardigrades are now downgraded to normality, and here’s why…
Phototoxicity is a serious challenge for fluorescence microscopy of living cells…
Perovskite solar cells made on flexible plastic substrates are a crucial development, but how to deposit the electron collecting layer?
Cancers that kill are the paradigm that most people know, but there’s more to cancer than just that…