In our Macromolecular Journals Writing Competition we asked PhD students and Post-Docs to send us a short news piece on papers from the Macromolecular Journals family highlighting exceptional research. Here we present the winner.
Best of Macros – Edition 2016 Now Online
The editors of the Macromolecular Journals have nominated the top papers of 2015!
Tethered or untethered? Monte Carlo simulation for surface-polymer interactions
In their recent Feature Article, Vienna researchers investigate the determination of critical adsorption points
Meet the Macro Awards Winners
This year, already a lot of excellent young scientists have received Macro Awards for their outstanding research in different fields of polymer science.
Direct equilibration and characterization of polymer melts for computer simulations
K. Kremer and co-workers present an improved methodology to prepare well-equilibrated polymer melts requiring only local relaxation.
Modeling the degradation of star polymers
Researchers have developed a model for predicting the molecular weight distributions of star polymers undergoing mechanochemical degradation.
The limits of applicability of the Mayo-Lewis equation in radical copolymerizations
Saldívar-Guerra, Hutchinson, and Matyjaszewski investigate the mechanisms governing the properties of polymeric materials and their application performance.
From Galileo to present day modeling of polymerization reactions
Macromolecular Theory and Simulations has published a special issue on the modeling and simulation of complex polymerization reactions.
Computational Study of ICAR Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization
A computational study of continuous activator regeneration atom transfer radical polymerization is discussed.
Also for Practitioners: The Error-In-Variables Approach for a Model-Based Design of Experiments
Canadian researchers show how to find optimal trials for estimating reactivity ratios for a typical copolymerization reaction.