A useful guide for beginners in the field and a helpful reference for CV-QKD experimentalists who want to deepen their theoretical understanding of their setup.

A useful guide for beginners in the field and a helpful reference for CV-QKD experimentalists who want to deepen their theoretical understanding of their setup.
A combined quantum key distribution and compressing sensing protocol that improves information transmission bandwidth paves the way to real-time information evaluation and communication security.
Prof. Xun Wang reflects on a moment of inspiration, his current research on sub-nanomaterials, and other research inspiring him today.
New nitride semiconductors to expand the material toolset for infrared sensing devices.
A new method to improve the mechanical durability of graphene films based on the introduction of chemically-attachable nanometer-thick organic patches onto a graphene surface is reported.
Novel heterojunction material for efficient water splitting and hydrogen production operating in a broad range of pH conditions.
Highly efficient and spectrally stable red perovskite LEDs developed by researchers at Florida State University.
Researchers from the University of Tokyo shed light on the formation of the crystallographic structure of organometal halide perovskites.
A simple, robust, and versatile way of molding all-liquid objects with potential applications in materials and life sciences.
Researchers from INST present various functional materials that have recently emerged as candidates for rewritable paper.