Water scarcity is not some far off consequence of the climate crisis. To overcome it, overriding our obsession with freshwater and embracing wastewater will be necessary.

Water scarcity is not some far off consequence of the climate crisis. To overcome it, overriding our obsession with freshwater and embracing wastewater will be necessary.
Environmental protection measures implemented in recent years have seen positive outcomes in improving the health of the Mother River of China.
The LéXPLORE floating laboratory in Switzerland is providing unique insights into the changing environment of Lake Geneva.
Mass tourism has grown exponentially across the last decade, bringing nearly 2 million tourists to Baikal’s sparsely populated shores.
Any discussion about the role of new reservoirs must focus on the creation of new unsustainable demand.
As an increasing global population moves into areas where non-perennial rivers are common, we need to understand how human water needs impact when, where, and how much these rivers flow.
Urbanization is threatening global water supplies, but finding a way to balance expansion with sustainable water management between nature, people, and the city water infrastructure.
While plastic waste is an issue, its prominence in the general public’s concern for the environment is overshadowing greater threats.
As hydropower projects are built across the Himalayan region, recognizing the temporal politics inherent to hydropower development will become increasingly critical.
Scientists need a new way to manage the increasing number of invasive species that cannot be stopped.