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Editorial positions available in Wiley locations worldwide
The teams responsible for leading materials journals such as Advanced Materials, Macromolecular Rapid Communications, and physica status solidi RRL are expanding and have editorial positions available in each of our locations.

Seeking Treasures in Fau Land: Hierarchical Zeolite Design
On the latest Advanced Functional Materials cover, Javier Pérez-Ramírez and co-workers take an imaginative approach to depicting their zeolite synthesis research.

New Magnetic Materials Mean Better Energy Conversion
A giant magnetocaloric effect may increase performance in magnetic refrigeration and energy-conversion devices.

Improving the performance of organic solar cells
In situ crosslinked and n-doped semiconducting polymers are efficient electron-transporting materials in inverted polymer solar cells.

MaterialsViews Interviews: Paolo Samorì
Paolo Samori talks about his recent book Functional Supramolecular Architectures and gives his “insider advice” for scientists.

MaterialsViews Interviews: Franco Cacialli
Franco Cacialli talks to MaterialsViews about his research on supramolecular architectures, his recent book, and his coolest discovery.

Optical Fiber Waveguides
ZnSe is deposited in silica pores to produce the first compound semiconductor optical fiber waveguides.

Morphology Changes in Plastic Solar Cells
Understanding the morphology changes in plastic solar cells may hold clues for the development of new high-performance materials.