Using a hydrogel coated with electrospun nanofiber, a new artery graft offers safer coronary artery bypass interventions.
Teaching old magnetic cilia new tricks
These hair-like structures with applications in robotics are now reprogrammable, negating the need to replace them after one use.
Wearable patch monitors blood sugar via sweat
An energy-harvesting wearable patch continuously monitors blood sugar levels via sweat to prevent hypoglycemic events in diabetic patients.
Cellulose could replace plastics in flexible electronics
Discover how cellulose may revolutionize flexible electronics, replacing plastics in eco-friendly, sustainable substrates for innovative devices.
Artificial fingerprints could dramatically enhance biometric security
Liquid crystals that generate unclonable fingerprint-like patterns could make the sale of counterfeit goods and theft of personal data much more difficult.
A multi-organ “gym-on-a-chip” finds exercise directly triggers insulin
The device provides a powerful tool for studying and treating diabetes, allowing personalized modelling by using patients’ own cells.
A self-breathing battery helps robots take a deep dive
A new battery design not only provides energy,not only provides energy, but facilitates automatic surfacing and diving mechanisms in electronic, underwater equipment.
Energy generated in the blink of an eye
A tiny battery built into smart contact lenses produces its own power through eye blinking, relying on tears and oxygen to power its cells.
Wireless, wearable sensor created for deep-tissue monitoring
A team led by Wubin Bai developed a novel wearable sensor patch that provides a safe, real-time, less invasive and low-cost way to track a patient’s recovery.
Smart knitted garments monitor the heart
Wearable devices for health monitoring don’t have to be limited to just smart watches and fitness trackers.