Global warming caused by human action has continued to increase, even though climate action has slowed the rise in greenhouse gas emissions.

Global warming caused by human action has continued to increase, even though climate action has slowed the rise in greenhouse gas emissions.
This ocean-safe putty was designed to help seed new coral reefs, offering a much-needed replacement for hardware store products.
Scientists find evidence that nature boosts healthy food choices, revealing nature’s pivotal role in shaping positive dietary habits.
Chemist Shira Joudan discusses environmental contaminants, setting up at a new university, and building a supportive community.
A closed-loop process for making and recycling polycarbonate plastic also captures carbon to reduce waste and cut emissions.
New technique uses waste metal shavings to catalyze hydrogen production, turning nothing but trash and water into clean, renewable fuel.
Pre-activation of plastics with fluorine-containing molecules disrupts their stability, making them easier to break down and upcycle.
The decline of freshwater megafauna, including river dolphins, hippos, and crocodiles, is triggering significant consequences for ecosystems.
Abandoning traditional practices led to intense dry season fires, drastically altering biodiversity and increasing greenhouse gas emissions.
Gold nanoparticle clusters boosted the efficiency of titanium dioxide in degrading a toxic dye called methyl orange.