Ultrathin sheets of metallic rhodium are formed by confinement with CO in a controllable method that will translate well to other metallic nanosheets.

Ultrathin sheets of metallic rhodium are formed by confinement with CO in a controllable method that will translate well to other metallic nanosheets.
Prelithiated hematite nanofibers demonstrate exceptional cyclability as anodes towards high-powered Li-ion batteries for automotive applications.
High performance organic Li-ion batteries have been demonstrated after optimization of the cathode, electrolyte, and protective additives.
Stable, high-performance Li-ion battery cathodes have been demonstrated from powder precursors coated with an electrochemically active coating.
Researchers in Japan have developed a novel high performance microcapacitor with excellent energy and power densities, for on-chip and MEMS applications.
Light-induced switching of single molecule electronic junctions has been successfully demonstrated by researchers in Germany.
An efficient cobalt-based catalyst for oxygen evolution reactions has been demonstrated, with a bio-inspired, leaf-like hybrid structure.
Researchers have developed an effective, iron based, amine-functionalized photocatalyst for reduction of hexavalent chromium using visible light.
A novel electrocatalyst system with long-term stability, based on cellulose paper and graphene, has been developed by for the oxygen reduction reaction.
Developing high-performance composite materials made with natural fibers and bio-polymers provide a new route to cost-effective, environmentally friendly composite plastics for industry.