Cellular signaling is investigated using a subset of human B cells.

Cellular signaling is investigated using a subset of human B cells.
Clinical translation of stem cell therapies requires clear definition and characterization of the cell populations, especially in a biologically diverse group of non-human mammalian species.
Cytometry Part A published ISAC-Cytometry Part A Mentorship Program Special Section: New Developments in Cytometric Phenotyping, Guest Edited by ISAC Marylou Ingram Scholars Kewal Asosingh from Cleveland Clinic, USA, Katarzyna Piwocka from Nencki Institute of...
Two new, Special Sections dedicated to imaging technologies.
A Joint Virtual Issue between the European Journal of Immunology and Cytometry Part A presents several publications on the latest developments in cancer diagnostics and immunotherapy.
This Special Issue in Cytometry Part A reports the latest advances in approaches used to identify cancerous and/or metastatic tissues.
A Special Issue that reports on the latest technical developments in QPI used to study the mechanisms of cancer and neurodegenerative disorders, to develop multispecific pharmaceutical formulations, and as a robust segmentation technology for microbial cells.
Circulating tumor cells (CTCs) are stray cancer cells that shed from the primary cancer site and travel to healthy tissues and organs via the blood or lymphatic circulation. Once CTCs settle in their new location, they transform healthy cells around them into cancerous cells.
The recently published Part II Special Issue on High Throughput and High Content Imaging and Cellular Informatics.
Cytometry Part A and Cytometry Part B: Clinical Cytometry combine forces to publish the first Joint Special Issue on Mass Cytometry (MC).