Treatment options for Alzheimer’s disease are revealed in a bio-mimetic lab-on-a-chip system, modelling intracellular kinesin-microtubule transport.
More channels against Alzheimer's
A multi-channel organic electronic ion pump for the creation of Aβ plaques is developed.
Computations and experiments predict a precision structural model for fullerenols
Researchers from CAS and other collaborative research institutions have proposed a precision structural model for fullerenols.
Therapeutic strategies against Alzheimer's disease
Therapeutic strategies for the prevention of Alzheimer’s disease have been investigated by a team from the Indian Institute of Technology at Guwahati.
Magneto-electric nanoparticles deliver anti-HIV drug to the brain
Nanoparticles can cross the blood-brain barrier and send a significantly increased level of AZTTP to HIV-infected cells.
Ultrathin optoelectronics help researchers explore the brain
Ultrathin, flexible optoelectronic devices – including LEDs the size of individual neurons – are lighting the way for scientists in optogenetics and beyond.
New nanoparticles for anti-inflammation drug delivery
New particles give potential approach to treating atherosclerosis and other chronic inflammatory diseases.
Solving the Mystery of Protein Folding
Nobel laureate Ahmed H. Zewail has summarized his insights into the physical backgrounds of protein folding.
Is coffee healthier for you when you're drunk?
Antioxidants found in coffee get more effective in non-polar environments.