Defining the molecular sequence of ink ingredients gives chemical engineers precise control of microscopic 3D printing.
Robotic insects that fly in teams to lift objects
To make swarms of honeybee-sized robots, researchers propose new design and fabrication methods to cut down on time and resources.
Nanobots used for better root canal treatment
Disinfecting nanobots could be the key to preventing the failure of root canal fillings post-treatment.
César Rodriguez-Emmenegger: “Be passionate, creative, and bold”
Through innovative, interdisciplinary work, chemist César Rodriguez-Emmenegger is seeking a way to communicate with biological systems.
Artificial muscles made using natural proteins
Scientists have developed the first artificial muscles made from natural proteins that contract autonomously and consume chemical fuel.
Microcrystal robots that swim in water
Synthesized microrobots capable of converting their mechanical motion into a means of self-propulsion.
How can bacteria “robots” improve cancer therapy?
Living machines made from drug-carrying bacteria target tumors to improve the effectiveness and safety of chemotherapies.
Cleaning up ocean microplastics with MagRobot
Specially designed microrobots could help clean plastic waste from water systems.
Alphabetti microswimmers
Tiny swimmers shaped like different letters in the alphabet help researchers understand motion on the microscale for future microrobot applications.
A “self-stirring” pill enhances drug bioavailability
Self-propelling microparticles enhance the dissolution of drugs in the stomach, achieving better bioavailability without the side effects of high dosing.