Join Us in Singapore to Celebrate Advanced Materials (Science)!

by | Nov 6, 2018

30 years of Advanced Materials – time for a party!

On Tuesday December 4, 2018, the Institute of Materials Research and Engineering (IMRE) at the Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) will host the final of this year’s AM30 Symposia celebrating the 30th anniversary of Advanced Materials, organized in collaboration with Nanyang Technological University (NTU), National University of Singapore (NUS), and the Advanced Materials editorial team.

The theme of this AM30 Symposium will be “Advanced Emerging Soft Materials”, highlighting some of the excellent science being done in this rapidly developing area as well as the role of Advanced Materials in it, and featuring some of the key contributors to the field and the journal.

You are cordially invited to come to Singapore and join the lectures and festivities. The meeting will be held in the Innovis Building, Fusionopolis. The program includes renowned international speakers such as Martin Heeney (Imperial College London), Wei Huang (Northwestern Polytechnical University), Shlomo Magdassi (Hebrew University of Jerusalem), Alberto Salleo (Stanford University), and Takao Someya (University of Tokyo), and will be announced shortly.

Don’t miss out and register now – there will also be a poster session with prizes sponsored by Wiley.

We already look forward to welcoming you!


Dr. Xian Jun Loh (A*STAR), AM30 Chair

Prof. Xiaodong Chen (NTU) and Prof. Bin Liu (NUS), AM30 Co-Chairs

Dr. Peter Gregory, Editor-in-Chief Advanced Materials

Dr. Jos Lenders, Deputy Editor Advanced Materials

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