WIREs Authors
The award-winning Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews series combines some of the most powerful features of encyclopedic reference works and review journals in an innovative online format.

Let’s Get Connected: Understanding Braided River Morphodynamics

There are striking similarities between the structure of natural river networks and others found in systems as diverse as brains, roads and the communication technologies. Using a series of examples, the authors illustrate how a suite of graph theory-based metrics derived from diverse disciplines can be used to provide new insights into the structure and kinematics of braided river networks.

Tales Around the Clock: poly(A) Tails in Circadian Gene Expression

Tales Around the Clock: poly(A) Tails in Circadian Gene Expression

Light is perhaps the main environmental cue (zeitgeber) that affects several aspects of physiology and behaviour, such as sleep/wake cycles, orientation of birds and bees, and leaf movements in plants. Temperature can serve as the main zeitgeber in the absence of light cycles, even though it does not lead to rhythmicity through the same mechanism as light.