Advanced Intelligent Systems: New Premium Open Access Journal, Now Open for Submission!

by | Dec 19, 2018

Advanced Intelligent Systems will publish multidisciplinary scientific and engineering research related to intelligent systems. The journal is now open for submission!

As reported by the World Economic Forum, a fourth industrial revolution is currently taking place. Emerging technological breakthroughs in fields such as artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, the Internet of Things, autonomous vehicles, quantum computing, etc., promise to radically modify our future and the way we conceive our society. 

Intelligent systems” is a term that covers a group of rapidly growing scientific fields that investigate systems capable to gathering and analyzing data, processing and responding to stimuli or instructions, and communicating with other systems. These fields include those related to materials science, information technologies, and robotics.  

Over the last 25 years, funding and research in AI-related fields have been exponentially growing worldwide. While the AI global market is booming, the number of papers published on topics relevant to “intelligent systems” is rising and is expected to continue to increase at a rapid rate.  

In keeping with the needs of the intelligent systems community, where there is considerable interest in open access publication and more broadly in open science and improved access to scientific knowledge, the Advanced journal family is pleased to offer a new high-quality open access title in this field.

Advanced Intelligent Systems will provide an open access home for high-quality scientific and engineering research on artificial systems that recognize, process, and respond to stimuli/instructions and learn from experience. This premium title covers interdisciplinary topics including, but not limited to, robotics, artificial and biomimetic intelligence, machine learning, sensors, and smart/responsive systems.  

 Advanced Intelligent Systems will cover:

  • Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
  • Robotics
  • Control Systems
  • Automation
  • Smart Sensing Systems 
  • Directed Self-Assembly  
  • Neuromorphic Engineering
  • Quantum Computing

Advanced Intelligent Systems will benefit from the support of a two-tier editorial board system, which includes: 

Executive Advisory Board

  • Kay Firth Butterfield (World Economic Forum, Switzerland)
  • Xiaodong Chen (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)
  • Toshio Fukuda (Nagoya University, Japan)
  • Licheng Jiao (Xidian University, China)
  • Barbara Mazzolai (Instituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Italy)
  • Metin Sitti (Max-Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, Germany)
  • Mary-Anne Williams (University of Technology Sydney, Australia) 
  • Joshua Yang (University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA)
  • Zhihua Zhou (Nanjing University, China) 

International Advisory Board

  • Madhu Bhaskaran (RMIT University, Australia) 
  • Judith Donath (Harvard University, USA) 
  • Sabine Hauert (University of Bristol, UK) 
  • Doo Seok Jeong (Hanyang University, Korea) 
  • Xianmin Jin (Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China) 
  • Hai (Helen) Li (Duke University, USA) 
  • Carmel Majidi (Carnegie Mellon University, US)
  • Sukho Park (DGIST, Korea) 
  • Raul Rojas (Freie Universität Berlin, Germany) 
  • Samuel Sanchez (Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia, Spain) 
  • Elizabeth Shriberg (Ellipsis Health, USA) 
  • Keiichi Tokuda (Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan) 
  • Jianru Xue (Xi’an Jiaotong University, China) 
  • Shi Yuanchun (Tsinghua University, China) 
  • Li Zhang (The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong) 
  • Ni Zhao (The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong)

Advanced Intelligent Systems is led by Editor-in-Chief Lorna Stimson, supported by editors Babak Mostaghaci, Huan Wang, and Floriano Cuccureddu. Esther Levy, the Editor-in-Chief of Advanced Materials Technologies, will join the editorial team as a consulting editor.

Launching in spring 2019, Advanced Intelligent Systems is now open for submission. To cater to the need of the community Advanced Intelligent Systems will be an Open Access journal. 

To submit your first paper to Advanced Intelligent Systems, please click here.

The journal homepage on Wiley Online Library can be found here.

 To contact the editorial office with any questions or queries please email  [email protected]

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