To confront global warming, climate changes and a potential energy shortage, biodiesel has been receiving increasing interest as a substitute for diesel fuels in efforts to seek for sustainable development. Microalgae-derived biodiesel is a promising energy source.
Co-Processing Bio-Oil Drop-In Biofuels by Fluid Catalytic Cracking
Research has shown that co-processing raw bio-oil is challenging but it can be carried out after adoption of appropriate reactor modifications in the commercial scale.
Solar Cells: Dual Role of Solar Power Generation and Storage
To make photogalvanic cells a reality in life for simultaneous solar power and storage, some challenges have to be tackled
Household Electricity Pricing: Dynamic Pricing under Different Taxation Schemes
The observed behavior in the Danish electricity retail market is considered, arguing that benefits of dynamic pricing should be analyzed with consumers’ adoption decisions in mind.
Economic Growth and Development with Low-Carbon Energy
An overview article, which has been published in WIREs Energy and Environment, explores the growth consequences of the shift to a low-carbon economy.
Energy Biomass Competitiveness – Three Different Views on Biomass Price
A systemic approach to evaluation of biomass potential has been missing in the academic debate, and needs to be addressed.
Climate Policies and Nationally Determined Contributions: Reconciling the Needed Ambition with the Political Economy
What it will take to stabilize global temperature below 2°C above pre-industrial levels? A new review article by Adrien Vogt-Schilb and Stephane Hallegatte discusses two potential solutions.
Decarbonizing the Transportation Sector: Policy Options, Synergies and Institutions to Deliver on a 1.5 Degree Stabilization Pathway
An Advanced Review by Oliver Lah outlines the key elements of a low-carbon stabilization pathway for land transport, focusing on the potential of key policy measures at the local and national level, opportunities for synergies of sustainable development and climate change objectives and governance and institutional issues affecting the implementation of measures.
Advances in Plasmon Enhanced Up-Conversion Luminescence Phenomena for Energy Applications
Focusing on the photocatalytic hydrogen production from water, as an energy carrier, several factors need to be considered.
Algae as a Sustainable Raw Material for Biodiesel Production
A recent Review takes an in-depth look at the current status and future prospects of supercritical transesterification.