Recent Progress in Cellular Materials

by | Nov 2, 2017

This new Special Issue in Advanced Engineering Materials highlights recent progress in the field of Cellular Materials.

This month, Advanced Engineering Materials publishes a Special Issue on Cellular Materials guest-edited by Olaf Andersen, Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Technology and Advanced Materials, Dresden, Germany and Michael Scheffler, Otto-von-Guericke-University, Magdeburg, Germany.

The articles compiled in this Special Issue are related to the latest CellMat conference which took place in December 2016.  Topics of the conference were manufacturing of cellular materials, characterization techniques, their wide spectrum of properties, specific challenges when applied in energy conversion, prosthetics, or in transportation, and basic research was presented with a new view on the description of structural features. Novel applications were introduced and the need for standardization of characterization techniques was pointed out.

For more details on the Review by Michael Scheffler on reticulated replica ceramic foams please go here. Another highlighted article by Tobias Fey can be found here. Both articles are available for free for a limited time.

At the same conference a session was dedicated to the Collaborative Research Center 920 on multi-functional filters for metal melt filtration. Last month another Special Issue presenting the most exciting results from this workshop was also published in Advanced Engineering Materials.

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