Join Us in Celebrating 30 Years of Advanced Materials!

by | May 18, 2018

AM30 events in Hong Kong, Dresden, Beijing, and Singapore.

Advanced Materials celebrates its 30th anniversary this year! Several AM30 events are happening throughout the year to highlight this important milestone for the journal. You are cordially invited to join and meet with the Advanced Materials editors and other authors, reviewers, and readers.

The festivities will kick off at the City University of Hong Kong on Tuesday, June 26, where Prof. Jian Lu (CityU HK) and Prof. Hua Zhang (NTU Singapore) will host an AM30 Symposium and reception as part of the NANO2018 conference. The speakers come from the broad field of “Advanced Multifunctional Nanomaterials” and include Advanced Materials board members Prof. Xiaodong Chen (NTU Singapore), Prof. Stuart Parkin (MPI Halle), and others. Registration for NANO2018 is still open if you’d like to attend.

On July 16–17, Prof. Xinliang Feng (TU Dresden) and Prof. Paolo Samorì (Uni Strasbourg) will host an AM30 Symposium at the Technische Universität Dresden. The theme is “Advanced Carbon and 2D Materials”, highlighting some of the excellent science being done in this rapidly developing area, as well as the role of Advanced Materials in it, and featuring some of the key contributors to the field and the journal. The complete program will be announced soon, and registration is already open.

Later this year, AM30 will also be coming to Beijing, Boston, and Singapore. The planning for these events is in full swing. To find out more, please sign up for regular e-mail updates from Wiley.

We already look forward to welcoming you at one of the AM30 events!

Dr. Peter Gregory, Editor-in-Chief

Dr. Lorna Stimson, Dr. Duoduo Liang, Dr. Jos Lenders, Deputy Editors

Advanced Materials

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