Advanced Optical Materials Top 5 – November 2015

by | Nov 17, 2015

The month’s top articles from the field of nanooptics, optoelectronics, optical devices, detectors & sensors, micro/nano resonators and more.

far-infrared invisibility cloakAdvanced Optical Materials brings you the newest breakthrough discoveries in optics and photonics. The journal covers topics like nanooptics, optoelectronics, photonic crystals, nonlinear optics, optical devices, detectors & sensors, micro/nano resonators, optical waveguides and more. Make sure to recommend the journal for online access to your librarian. All information can be found here.

Check out some of the most downloaded papers of the last month:

Five most downloaded papers: 

Large-Scale Far-Infrared Invisibility Cloak Hiding Object from Thermal Detection
by Lian Shen, Bin Zheng, Zuozhu Liu, Zuojia Wang, Shisheng Lin, Shahram Dehdashti, Erping Li and Hongsheng Chen

Three-Dimensional μ-Printing: An Enabling Technology
by Judith K. Hohmann, Michael Renner, Erik H. Waller and Georg von Freymann

Electroactive Tuning of Double-Layered Metamaterials Based on π-Conjugated Polymer Actuators
by Tatsunosuke Matsui, Yuto Inose, David A. Powell and Ilya V. Shadrivov

One-Step Exfoliation and Hydroxylation of Boron Nitride Nanosheets with Enhanced Optical Limiting Performance
by Gang Zhao, Fang Zhang, Yongzhong Wu, Xiaopeng Hao, Zhengping Wang and Xinguang Xu

Upconversion for Photovoltaics – a Review of Materials, Devices and Concepts for Performance Enhancement
by Jan Christoph Goldschmidt and Stefan Fischer

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