The discovery of colossal structures like the Big Ring is reshaping established theories about the physics of the Universe.

The discovery of colossal structures like the Big Ring is reshaping established theories about the physics of the Universe.
Astronomers have discovered that black holes trigger the formation of galactic winds that greatly influence star formation.
Scientists have only observed supermassive black holes one billion years after the Big Bang, but astrophysicists have now breached this barrier.
Using quasars as ticking cosmic clocks, scientists took a journey back in time, discovering time progressed five times slower just after the Big Bang.
Galaxies, quasars, and stars… oh my! Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) first data is a small fraction of the huge cosmic survey it will conduct.
Astronomers report recent observation of six massive galaxies that according to our current understanding of the Universe should not exist at all.
Imaging a black hole is not an easy thing, it takes years of experiments, collaborations, grants, planning, and no small amount of luck.
45 years worth of radio telescope observations have identified a pair of supermassive black holes at the core of two galaxies set to merge.
Cosmic gas cloud blinks in sync with circling black hole.
Recent studies incorporating gamma-ray bursts have yielded interesting new results that cast doubt on the validity of the cosmological principle.