A unique approach to the remote control of embryos in lab setups could transform what is possible with fertility treatments and IVF.

A unique approach to the remote control of embryos in lab setups could transform what is possible with fertility treatments and IVF.
A non-surgical option for women who suffer from endometriosis, this nanoparticle therapy shows promising preliminary results.
Researchers removed metals and organic impurities from water using magenetic nanoparticles that contain an ionic liquid phase.
In situ synthesis of magnetic nanoparticles in a hydrogel and fabrication of a magnetic thermoresponsive hydrogel composite.
Careful design of magnetic properties in nanoparticles of alloyed magnetically hard and soft ferrites leads to high-performing particles.
A new in vivo strategy for displaying foreign polypeptides on magnetosomes is presented.
Indium oxide-functionalized magnetic nanoparticles were synthesized and used as solid phase extraction adsorbent on a chip, held with the help of an external magnetic field.
A group seeks to reproduce the nanoparticle-synthesizing ability of magnetotactic bacteria.
Treating cells with iron oxide nanoparticles allows them to be steered through the body by magnets.
How magnetic targeting of drugs and/or magnetically induced release of drugs can be harnessed to improve the treatment of cancer.