With innovations in biosensors, Internet of Things, and machine learning, a collective effort could offer a way to overcome an impending shortage.
Detecting fires with the Internet of Things
A new fire-warning technology integrated into children’s clothing can be linked up to a mobile device for early detection and proactive safety measures.
What is the Internet of Things?
The idea of connecting all physical things together: let’s delve into how the Internet of Things is changing the world.
Internet of Things and Data Mining
The Internet of Things is the result of the convergence of sensing, computing, and networking technologies, allowing devices of varying sizes and computational capabilities (things) to intercommunicate.
LiFi: Internet Connection through Light
LiFi is a novel two-way, high-speed wireless technology similar to WiFi but uses light waves instead of radio waves to transmit data.
Mimicking the brain with single transistor artificial neurons
The power demands of the Internet of Things could be combated with computing systems that mimic biological neurons.
Tiny batteries are powering computer miniaturization
Using tiny batteries, researchers hope to power ever-smaller computers and advance the Internet of Things and ubiquitous computing.
Protecting IoT devices using radio waves to shield them from hackers
A cutting-edge security system for IoT devices uses physical layer security to make personal data significantly more difficult to hack.
What are neuromorphic computers?
To make computers faster and more efficient, scientists are using the brain as a model in this blossoming area of computer science.
Eliminating computer errors by combining computation and memory
A device brings memory and processing together, helping minimizing errors and avoiding increasing energy demands due to huge amounts of data.