Picosecond Pulse Laser Platform – PicoQuant
The compact, stand-alone, and versatile laser platform can deliver an optical output power of up to 1.5 W at 766 nm with a laser pulse width of 500 ps. Shorter pulse widths below 70 ps can be offered optionally. Its pulse width and excellent circular beam shape allow optimal sample illumination and accurate beam shaping, e.g., “STED-Donut”. The laser can be operated at 12 internally selectable repetition rates between 31.25 kHz and 80 MHz or externally triggered at any repetition rate between 1 Hz and 80 MHz. The laser features an excellent beam quality with a nearly perfectly circular and Gaussian shaped profile featuring a typical M2 value of 1.02. The platform is based on a Master Oscillator Fiber Amplifier (MOFA) concept with frequency conversion. The master oscillator generates infrared picosecond pulses at 1530 nm. The high pulse energies of the amplified infrared laser permit efficient wavelength conversion using single pass second harmonic generation.
PicoQuant GmbH
Rudower Chaussee 29
12489 Berlin, Germany
Phone: +49 (0)30 6392-6929
Fax: +49 (0)30 6392-6561
[email protected]