Using a specialized design approach, scientists create acoustic waves that behave as twisted, ultrasonic motors capable of rotating particles in space.

Using a specialized design approach, scientists create acoustic waves that behave as twisted, ultrasonic motors capable of rotating particles in space.
Galaxies, quasars, and stars… oh my! Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) first data is a small fraction of the huge cosmic survey it will conduct.
Many physicists are still skeptical that dark energy can fully explain gravity, and are therefore exploring alternative theories.
A new study evaluates gravity using string theory, a promising candidate for describing particle interactions at their most fundamental level.
Astronomers looking at how black holes grow over time may have found the answer to one of the biggest problems in cosmology.
A modification to the theory of general relativity makes it consistent with observable astronomical data without the need for dark energy.
Bright bursts of radio waves help astronomers locate a type of matter that researchers have been searching for for the past 30 years.
Researchers at CERN’s Large Hadron Collider explore subtle energy signals to search for new physics beyond the Standard Model.
Small primordial black holes could have consumed the interiors of planets or asteroids, leaving their outer shells intact.
Images of the supermassive black holes wouldn’t have been possible if mimetic gravity was the right recipe for gravity.