Omics Insights into (Nano)Materials–Organism Interactions

by | Nov 15, 2017

PROTEOMICS is inviting papers for a Special Issue on Omics insights into (nano)materials–organism interactions.

Call for Papers

PROTEOMICS is inviting papers for a Special Issue on Omics insights into (nano)materials–organism interactions. Despite the title, the Journal strives to provide a systems biology view and all omics, and especially multi-omic, and other high-throughput approaches contributing to the systems view, are relevant.  All manuscript types including Research Articles, Reviews, Technical Briefs, Viewpoints and Dataset Briefs will be considered.PROTEOMICS covers

Please submit a tentative title along with a few sentences explaining the scope, a short synopsis or the abstract to [email protected] by December 22nd, 2017. Papers selected for inclusion in the Special Issue should then be submitted by the end of February 2018. The first 5 papers submitted to this Special Issue and accepted for publication will have the opportunity to present a frontispiece feature free of charge.

A selection of areas and topics falling within the scope of this Special Issue (but not limited to) are as follows:

Nanotoxicology – insights from proteomics, metabolomics, lipidomics, transcriptomics or systems biology approaches
• The “coronome” – lipid and protein corona of nanoparticles and similar materials
Tissue-material interactions including but not limited to tissue-implant responses such as adhesion, tissue remodeling, regeneration, cell differentiation, signaling, wear and degradation etc. – insights from proteomics, metabolomics, lipidomics, transcriptomics or systems biology approaches
Methods to study (nano)material-organism interactions at the cell, tissue and whole organism level employing omics and systems biology approaches
• Technical papers on relevant databases, software and online tools

However, the scope is not limited to these topics!

We look forward to receiving your abstracts and papers. Please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected] if you have any questions.

Journal homepage:

Submission site:

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