In today’s fast-changing scientific landscape, interdisciplinary fields are the new normal and clinical trials for new therapies are exploding. On the scientific information side, the WIREs series presents current, comprehensive reviews of the pioneering research that is being done at the intersection of traditional fields and the Current Protocols collection includes nearly 20 000 step-by-step techniques, procedures, and practical overviews that provide researchers with reliable, efficient methods to ensure reproducible results and pave the way for critical scientific discovery.
On the scientific resources side, Abcam is a global innovator in reagents and tools, providing the research and clinical communities with tools and scientific expertise to support the discovery and development of new diagnostics and biotherapeutics. All three brands have been at the forefront of promoting collaboration and disseminating knowledge within interdisciplinary communities.

Outside the conference.
Abcam recently hosted a meeting on “Immunometabolism: Fundamentals to Prospective New Therapies” to showcase some of the amazing research being presented at the vertex of immunology, metabolomics, and development of novel therapies.
Held at Harvard Medical School in Boston, MA, on June 25–26, 2019, scientific organizers Evanna Mills (Harvard Medical School and Dana Farber Cancer Institute) and Luke O’Neill (Trinity College Dublin) scheduled a wide array of 31 global speakers discussing topics from metabolic reprogramming during infection; metabolite control of T cell biology, inflammation, and autoimmune reactions; and stress responses in relation to mitochondrial metabolism.
In addition to the numerous high-profile researchers from both academic institutions and the pharmaceutical and biotech industries presenting their work, the schedule also featured talks from junior scientists, some of whom were able to present their findings in a professional setting for the first time. To conclude the meeting, keynote speaker Lydia Lynch (Trinity College Dublin and Harvard Medical School) gave a splendid talk about her work on identifying the role of an unconventional T cell subset enriched in adipose tissue, γδ T cells.
WIREs and Current Protocols served as publishing partners for the meeting, and developmental editors for WIREs Systems Biology and Medicine and Current Protocols in Immunology attended to learn about developments in these areas and sponsor two poster prizes. The poster session was a huge success, with 41 researchers presenting their data to attendees in the foyer of the New Research Building.
Members of Abcam’s internal research team also presented a number of posters explaining new developments in their technologies in conjunction with data presented by faculty, postdocs and graduate students. Congratulations go to Samuel Collins (Johns Hopkins University), who was awarded with first prize, and Leah Billingham (Northwestern University), who took second place.
The Immunometabolism: Fundamentals to Prospective New Therapies meeting was an excellent two-day conference where scientists of all experience levels and from both academia and industry came together to discuss recent discoveries in the fields of immunology, metabolism, and therapeutics. To keep an eye on other Abcam-hosted conferences and events, see their conference and tradeshow calendar.
Additionally, please look forward to upcoming WIREs Systems Biology and Medicine reviews written by select speakers from the meeting.