Happy Birthday Peter Greil!

by | Jul 4, 2019

This Special Section of Advanced Engineering Materials has been dedicated to Peter Greil on occasion of this 65th birthday.

In May 2019, Peter Greil celebrated his 65th birthday. On this occasion Michael Scheffler, Tobias Fey, and Nahum Travitzky have guest-edited a Special Section of Advanced Engineering Materials. Articles cover research areas that Peter Greil is interested in and has contributed to within the ceramic community. For more details, please click here.

All articles of this special section can be found here – the following articles can be read for free for a limited time:

Highly Filled Papers, on their Manufacturing, Processing, and Applications by Benjamin Dermeik, Hannes Lorenz, Alexander Bonet and Nahum Travitzky.

Encapsulation of Reactive Ti2AlC and Nb2AlC Particles via a Boehmite Precipitation Route by Martin Stumpf, David Köllner, Jonas Biggemann, Martina Schüßler, Peter Greil and Tobias Fey.

Along with all contributors to the special section, and especially the guest-editors, the Advanced Engineering Materials team would like to wish Peter a happy birthday and best wishes for the future.

The recent issue of Advanced Engineering Materials contains two additional special sections on Cellular Materials and Advanced Materials for Transport Applications. Please find more details here and enjoy the free access to selected articles from all three sections!

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