Advanced Materials Interfaces: Enter the ‘Hall of Fame’

by | Jan 9, 2018

Advanced Materials Interfaces launches its new invited-only review ‘Hall of Fame’. All included papers are free to read for a limited time!


Advanced Materials Interfaces began in 2014 as a forum for top-level research into interface and surface science. In this short time, it has already attracted many important, highly interdisciplinary contributions from recognized experts.

To build on this and to celebrate our 5th volume, we have initiated a series of invited-only review articles from the top scientists in the field: the AMI ‘Hall of Fame’. These articles will be collected into a very special virtual issue, and will be updated regularly as new contributions are published. All articles in the series will be made freely available to all for a limited time.

Keep an eye out for the ‘Hall of Fame’ logo on upcoming review articles, or bookmark the virtual issue page to stay on top of the latest critical works in this series.

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