Galaxies, quasars, and stars… oh my! Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) first data is a small fraction of the huge cosmic survey it will conduct.
Galactic clusters may be key to testing competing theories of dark matter and dark energy
Scientists propose a modified cosmological model that challenges the existence of dark matter and dark energy.
Modified theory of gravity eliminates the need for dark energy
Many physicists are still skeptical that dark energy can fully explain gravity, and are therefore exploring alternative theories.
String theory may offer an alternative to dark energy
A new study evaluates gravity using string theory, a promising candidate for describing particle interactions at their most fundamental level.
Could black holes be dark energy?
Astronomers looking at how black holes grow over time may have found the answer to one of the biggest problems in cosmology.
Explaining the Universe’s accelerated expansion without dark energy
A modification to the theory of general relativity makes it consistent with observable astronomical data without the need for dark energy.
Dark matter could be lurking in Jupiter’s atmosphere
Astronomers propose that an infrared glow observed in Jupiter’s atmosphere may be dark matter particles colliding.
White dwarfs could help find dark matter
Due to their incredible density, astronomers believe white dwarfs might make the perfect dark matter detectors.
Could dark matter be measured around black holes?
Dark matter could be aggregating around black holes, providing a possible means of indirectly measuring its properties.
Dark matter from quantum gravity
Researchers at the Southern University of Science and Technology in China ask if gravitons can be promising candidates for dark matter components.