Inhaled xenon gas reduced neuroinflammation, brain atrophy, and boosted protective neurons in mouse models of Alzheimer’s.

Inhaled xenon gas reduced neuroinflammation, brain atrophy, and boosted protective neurons in mouse models of Alzheimer’s.
Cells that can no longer divide may play a role in the chronic inflammation that weakens the immune system and contributes to aging.
A new link between what cells feed on and their gene activity could have huge implications in cancer research and beyond.
A non-invasive test uses a combination of lasers and ultrasound to detect red blood cells infected with malaria parasites with acoustics.
Taking inspiration from plankton, researchers create engineered blood cells that are an important step toward a universal blood supply.
Fitted with nanoscale grippers, these microrobots offer new opportunities for imaging and manipulating single cells.
A patch delivers electrical pulses to help support stem cell growth, helping mice recover mobility in their hind legs in preliminary studies.
Modifying hydrogen fuel cells with caffeine helped protect them from degradation, resulting in up to 11-fold increase in activity.
New probe system offers real-time protein mapping within living cells, unlocking insights into cellular function and disease mechanisms.
Study uncovers stability hurdles in a promising lead-free solar cell material, signaling potential for a cleaner energy future.