Pathogenic bioaerosols detected at household garbage collection sites may contribute to vascular aging with high chronic exposure.

Pathogenic bioaerosols detected at household garbage collection sites may contribute to vascular aging with high chronic exposure.
Scientists use mild electrical currents to treat skin infections, presenting an antibiotic-free solution amid rising antimicrobial resistance.
A common bacteria found growing on plastic in urban wastewater could provide new bioengineering solutions to clean up plastic waste.
Harnessing bacteriophages’ natural prowess, scientists crafted an antibacterial material for use in medicine and the food industry.
A vaccine to prevent melioidosis, a tropical bacterial disease and possible bioterrorism threat, succeeded in initial trials.
The new protocol identified microbes that standard techniques alone couldn’t, uncovering previously unknown bacterial strains in the process.
Molecules isolated from a rare cyanobacteria found in Japan found to have UV-absorbing, antioxidant, and anti-aging properties.
Magnetic hydrogel micromachines break up biofilms and release antibiotics, combating biofilm infections associated with medical devices.
Bacteria residing inside tumors provide a surprisingly powerful immunotherapy platform to combat different cancers.
Inspired by brain-invading bacteria, researchers have created nanocapsules that covertly shuttle drugs across the blood–brain barrier.