Month: September 2010

Cilia Revolution

University of Southern Mississippi scientists imitated Mother Nature by developing a new, skinny-molecule-based material that resembles cilia, the tiny, hair-like structures through which organisms derive smell, vision, hearing and fluid flow.

Who Needs a Nano Scientist?

As Professor Geoffrey Ozin from the University of Toronto reminisces on helping to develop a nanoscience degree program, he ponders on our need for nanoscientists.

Life Before Advanced Materials?

Materials science is now well-established as an interdisciplinary field, but how was it in the early days? Professor Geoffrey Ozin recalls the challenges he faced when scientific research was still very traditionally classified–chemistry, physics, biology, engineering…

Super-Sensitive SERS

By studying the thermal effects in SERS, scientists may be able to drastically alter the sensitivity of their system and provide vital information for the design of new SERS probes.

Quantum Dot Monolayers

Materials scientists from the USA have made a thin layer of quantum dots on a photonic crystal surface, thereby creating a stable material with enhanced emission properties.