The Fracture of Brittle Materials

by | Mar 26, 2012

  This book covers the relevant properties (toughness, strength, elastic modulus, microstructure, hardness), material types, fracture mechanics, measurement techniques, reliability and lifetime predictions, specifics of films/coatings, microstructural considerations, and material/test selection processes appropriate for practical analysis of brittle materials. While providing the necessary basic concepts, the book primarily seeks to provide a practical, hands-on approach […]
  This book covers the relevant properties (toughness, strength, elastic modulus, microstructure, hardness), material types, fracture mechanics, measurement techniques, reliability and lifetime predictions, specifics of films/coatings, microstructural considerations, and material/test selection processes appropriate for practical analysis of brittle materials. While providing the necessary basic concepts, the book primarily seeks to provide a practical, hands-on approach to the analysis of brittle materials. [196 Pages, Hardcover]

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