This is the first instance of incorporating edible particles into gas marbles, with some intriguing applications in gastronomy.
Gold nanoparticles help hydras regrow their heads
Gold nanoparticles and near-infrared light speed up regeneration and reproduction in hydras, providing insights for regenerative medicine.
A bacteria-killing virus may be the solution to antibacterial surfaces
Harnessing bacteriophages’ natural prowess, scientists crafted an antibacterial material for use in medicine and the food industry.
New plastic recycling method captures carbon
A closed-loop process for making and recycling polycarbonate plastic also captures carbon to reduce waste and cut emissions.
Pulling clean hydrogen fuel from seawater
A new electrolysis device could transform the way we produce hydrogen fuel from seawater, addressing challenges that hindered this process.
Quantum dot laser set to transform medicine and communications
Quantum dots are key to a new laser that could transform medical imaging, diagnostics, and boost communication.
Tackling e-waste by making electronics compostable and recyclable
Researchers are tackling the growing problem of electronic waste by designing wearable electronics from sustainable and recyclable materials.
Liquid metal adhesive holds fast for durable, flexible electronics
E-CASE liquid metal adhesive enables flexible connections to make better, tougher flexible electronics for wearables and robotics.
Nanobelts provide clean energy and sustainable electronics for a future Martian colony
Using a mineral found naturally on Mars, energy and electronics could be easily and sustainably produced on site.
Saving oranges from disease using nanomaterials
Citrus canker threatens orange orchards, but nano-sponges loaded with a plant-based antibacterial may offer a solution.