Dual imaging MRI contrast agents using robotic synthesis

by | Jan 8, 2013

Robotic synthesis rapid screening and characterisation techniques used to development new materials for MRI.

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) contrasts agents are materials commonly used enhance the fine detail in MRI scans of the body. One approach to improve the efficiency and versatility of these agents is to combine elements within the agents which create materials for dual imaging; achieve MRI and luminescence imaging using a single diagnostic material.

Now, in a new study, state of the art robotic synthesis rapid screening and characterisation techniques have been used in the development of these materials. The porosity of these nanomater-sized materials enables higher water exchanges postulated to improve the MRI contrast ability. The effect of pore size and the amount of active dopant on the MRI and luminescence performance have also been investigated, to ascertain their impact on the synthesis of the materials.

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