Advent Calendar

December 11 – Active targeting of asiaglycoprotein receptor using sterically stabilized lipoplexes, published in the European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology

December 10 – Ultra-Stable Electret Nanogenerator to Scavenge High-Speed Rotational Energy for Self-Powered Electronics, published in Advanced Materials Technologies

December 9 – Integrating transcriptome and proteome profiling: Strategies and applications, published in Proteomics

December 8 – Growth and decay of a two-dimensional oxide quasicrystal: High-temperature in situ microscopy, published in Annalen der Physik

December 7 – Kinetic Effects on Self-Assembly and Function of Protein–Polymer Bioconjugates in Thin Films Prepared by Flow Coating, published in Macromolecular Rapid Communications

December 6 – CellShape: A user-friendly image analysis tool for quantitative visualization of bacterial cell factories inside, published in Biotechnology Journal

December 5 – Spatio-Design of Multidimensional Prickly Zn-Doped CuO Nanoparticle for Efficient Bacterial Killing, published in Advanced Materials Interfaces

December 4 – The ginger component 6-shogaol prevents TNF-α-induced barrier loss via inhibition of PI3K/Akt and NF-κB signaling, published in Molecular Nutrition & Food Research