Call for Nominations: Journal of Polymer Science Award

by | Nov 13, 2018

[Sponsored post] Submit your nomination for the 2019 JPS award.

The Journal of Polymer Science is proud to announce the call for nominations for the eighth year of its international award. The Journal of Polymer Science Innovation Award recognizes significant research innovation and achievement in a polymer scientist under 40. The award consists of a symposium in association with the Polymeric Materials: Science and Engineering (PMSE) Division of the ACS and a dinner in recognition of the recipient at the ACS Fall meeting, a $5,000 prize, and travel expenses of up to $1,000 to the ACS Fall meeting for the award year.

Nominations for the prize should consist of a one-page document from the nominator in support of the nominee explaining why the innovative nature of their research deserves recognition and an up-to-date CV from the nominee. The nominee must be 40 years of age or younger at the time the nomination period opens (November 1, 2018). While we will consider all eligible nominees, preference will be given to nominees who have published at least 2 articles with either JPSA or JPSB in the past 2 years (recently accepted and submitted papers included). Award recipients will submit a Review, Highlight, or Perspective article based on the topic of their award lecture, which will be published in an ongoing Virtual Issue of the Journal of Polymer Science.

Please send nominations to [email protected] or [email protected] before January 17, 2019.

Past awards were given to young scientists exploring exciting new fields in the chemistry and physics of polymer systems. Past winners include Christopher Bielawski, Professor of Chemistry at Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology; Ryan Hayward, Associate Professor of Polymer Science and Engineering at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst; Brent Sumerlin, Professor of Chemistry at the University of Florida; Rachel Segalman, Professor in both Chemical Engineering and Materials at the University of California, Santa Barbara; Cyrille Boyer, Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering at the University of New South Wales; Luis Campos, Associate Professor of Chemistry at Columbia University; and Rachel O’Reilly, Head of the School of Chemistry at the University of Birmingham.

Let the 2019 nominations begin!

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