A microfluidic chip could help researchers uncover the unknown underlying mechanisms that cause inflammatory bowel disease.
A lung-mimicking sealant helps repair surgical leaks
A superior surgical sealant mimics the structural and mechanical properties of lung tissue to repair air leaks after surgery.
How ancient viral infections guide embryo development in mice
Ancient viral DNA, once thought junk, now regulates embryo development in mice, revealing complex host-virus interactions.
Contagious yawning in gelada monkeys triggered by yawn sounds
Gelada monkeys audibly and loudly yawn, triggering a contagious response within their groups, mirroring human behavior.
Plants signal danger and fortify neighbors against hungry insects
Squash plants send chemical warnings underground, empowering neighbors to resist insect attacks, providing insights into natural pest management.
In the world of music, love songs get lost in translation
While people across cultures can discern the behavioral context of various vocal songs, they struggle to identify love songs.
Blood vessels in the brain reveal a secret role in memory formation
A previously unknown mechanism involving the brain’s blood vessels reveals the intricate process of long-term memory formation.
Box jellyfish show surprising ability to learn without a brain
Learning from experience was believed to be restricted to more advanced creatures, but in a first, Caribbean jellyfish were shown to learn from past mistakes.
A breakthrough breath analyzer detects silent blood clots
Analyzing biomolecules found in the breath, scientists can detect early signs of deadly blood clots found in diseases like COVID-19, heart disease, sepsis, and more.
The rapid warming of Svalbard is triggering a positive feedback loop
As glaciers melt, groundwater springs become active and start to release greenhouse gases into the atmosphere