Polymer Research at BAM – The German Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing

by | Nov 12, 2012

A special issue of Macromol. Chem. Phys. presents recent polymer research at the German Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing.
Polymer Research at BAM The German Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing

Polymer Research at BAM - The German Federal Institute for Materials Research and TestingMacromolecular Chemistry and Physics has published a special issue that presents the polymer scientific activities at BAM (Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung), the German Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing.

The BAM’s general mission is ‘safety’ with participation in standardization, regularization, transfer technology, while the scientific topics covered in the field of polymer research range, e.g., from fire retardants to diluted polyelectrolytes in solution.

As written by Prof. Manfred Hennecke, president of BAM, in his accompanying Essay, “The production and use of polymers can (also) have a direct relationship to safety. The polymerization reaction itself has an elementary safety concern …” and “The failure of polymer materials, (especially) in some special applications, cannot be allowed …”.

The present special issue of Macromol. Chem. Phys. was guest-edited by Prof. Andreas Thünemann, head of the BAM division ‘Polymers in Life Science and Nanotechnology’. The ten articles are not only representative of the broad range of current polymer science at BAM: all the way from phosphorus polyester as an alternative flame retardant to affinity capillary columns for enrichment of immunoglobulin G. They also show the need to combine the focus areas research, service, and advisory work regarding regulations and politics – on national as well as on international level.

Read here for free Prof. Hennecke’s introductory Essay:

“Past, Present, and Future of Polymer Science at BAM”

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