A New Look for Steel Research International

by | Dec 26, 2011

Steel Research International, one of the oldest metallurgical and materials engineering journals, gets a new look.
Steel Research International cover

Steel Research International coverAs one of the oldest metallurgical and materials engineering journals around (first published in 1929 as Archiv für das Eisenhüttenwesen), Steel Research International has undergone a quiet revolution in the past couple of years. Decision times and publication times are now hugely improved (approximately 5 weeks to final decision and 3 weeks to online publication) and the number of submissions has grown enormously such that the acceptance rate is now around 50 %.

Now the journal is ready for a new look to complement these positive developments. Starting in February 2012, it will be published in a completely new layout, tailor-made to Steel Research International readers who demand an easy to read format which works equally well online and in print. The first articles to use the new layout will be appearing on the earlyview page in the coming weeks.

Steel Research International logoEach issue will feature a different cover design suggested by one of the authors. These covers will also stand out online as you browse the journal issues, and you can produce posters and other promotional materials with them. Experience with Steel Research International’s sister journal Advanced Engineering Materials shows that the front cover very quickly becomes a talking point in the community and authors often get very competitive about having their article on the cover. So, look out for the new layout and remember to include a cover suggestion when you submit your next manuscript!

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