Researchers create a quantum nanochip that is capable of producing stable, high-quality qubits and could open doors for powerful quantum computers.
An advanced 3d printer is helping build reliable quantum communication
A state-of-the-art printer with nanometer-scale precision enables the production of quantum emitters, advancing secure quantum communication.
Flaws in a crystal lattice make stable qubits for quantum computers
This is just the beginning, say scientists working on the new technology.
Riccardo Bassoli: How quantum computing will redefine wireless communication
Future 6G wireless networks will rely on quantum computers, but developing the technology and making it sustainable is complex.
What would it take to make quantum memristors a reality?
Machine learning unveils the ideal structure of a quantum memristor, which could one day surpass current computing systems.
World’s purest silicon chip could make quantum computers error-free
A new method to purify silicon for quantum computer chips could solve one of the biggest challenges in quantum computing.
Are quantum communications truly unhackable? Study suggests otherwise
In theory, quantum communications should be impossible to hack, but study shows this may not be true in practice.
Exploring quantum gravity with a simple pendulum experiment
Even tiny deviations in pendulum behavior caused by quantum gravity could be clearly noticeable, say researchers.
Quantum dot laser set to transform medicine and communications
Quantum dots are key to a new laser that could transform medical imaging, diagnostics, and boost communication.
A quantum take on oblivious transfer unlocks ultra-secure communication
In addition to ensuring the secure transfer of quantum communications, researchers have come up with a way to safely store and process data.